My hair revolution

This post is dedicated to my lovely lovelyy hair (it ain't no sarcasm!)
For those who know me well, You know I'm that type of girl who gets bored easily regarding hairstyle.
I've had my hair like superlong (that's what I think tho) to very very very short cut, like pixie.
Right now, it's been almost a year since I cut my hair pixie and growing it back really taking time.
this was in 2011. It was, super long, right?
This was in mid 2012. had couple trims from 2011 and still look like friggin long! and I love it

and in 2012 end, like...september I guess? I cut my hair to this short. It was a huge difference for me

it didn't stop there! apparently, once you cut your hair short, it gives you this feeling where you have this urge to cut your hair even shorter! this was in 2013, around May

After a few trims, I came to this long! andddd still waiting for it to grow back :D

And once my hair grows back, I will probably tip dye it. Any suggestion on which color should I take? :)
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